E-commerce consultancy

Help with the challenges of e-commerce and other e-commerce challenges

Experienced e-commerce consultancy service

Since the mid-1990s, I have been invol­ved in the deve­lop­ment of e-com­merce between impor­ters and spa­re parts dea­lers in the auto­mo­ti­ve after­mar­ket, inclu­ding in the fra­mework of the edi­fact stan­dard. I have been invol­ved in imple­men­ting e-com­merce inte­gra­tions with ERP in my cur­rent com­pa­ny since the first inte­gra­tion-enabled e-com­merce sites were int­ro­duced to our cus­to­mers in the ear­ly 2000s.

In total, I have been invol­ved in dozens of inte­gra­tions between impor­ters, dea­lers, repair shops and chain orga­ni­sa­tions. I offer e-com­merce con­sul­ting and pro­ject mana­ge­ment ser­vices in this area. I have expe­rience in both B2B and B2C e-commerce.

I also bring prac­tical tech­nical skills to sys­tems inte­gra­tion pro­jects, as I have a good com­mand of the basics of .NET, ASP.NET, C#, Pyt­hon and JavaSc­ript deve­lop­ment tools, and I am fami­liar with REST API inter­faces, which are cur­rent­ly used to imple­ment a sig­ni­ficant part of the inter­faces between sys­tems. For example, I can test inter­faces and be acti­ve­ly invol­ved in the pilo­ting pha­se on the tech­nical side as well.

Does your business need e-commerce consulting?

Do you need help set­ting up and inte­gra­ting your e-com­merce solu­tion, or need gui­dance on other e-com­merce issues? Our con­sul­tancy ser­vice pro­vi­des solu­tions quickly and professionally.

Soita 020 730 9555