IT management consulting

Expert help to develop and maintain your IT environment

An expert in developing and maintaining your IT management

Is the­re a need in your com­pa­ny to mana­ge and deve­lop IT sys­tems, but not enough work to jus­ti­fy hiring an IT mana­ger? Or is your IT mana­ger ful­ly emplo­yed to run the ope­ra­tio­nal side of the busi­ness, lea­ving insuf­ficient time for deve­lop­ment acti­vi­ties? By using me as a con­sul­tant for your IT deve­lop­ment, you’ll only need as much ext­ra resource as you need and you’ll have the bene­fit of an expe­rienced exter­nal pers­pec­ti­ve. The ser­vice does not com­mit you to fixed ongoing costs.

The ser­vice is speci­fical­ly for the deve­lop­ment of busi­ness softwa­re and other cloud ser­vices and may inclu­de some main­te­nance com­po­nents. If requi­red, I can assist with IT plan­ning, softwa­re and hardwa­re procu­re­ment and main­te­nance ser­vices. Whe­re neces­sa­ry, sup­port acti­vi­ties will be pro­vi­ded by part­ners best sui­ted to the needs.

I am ITIL 4 Foun­da­tion cer­ti­fied in IT process deve­lop­ment. In terms of glo­bal cloud ser­vices, I specia­li­se in Mic­ro­soft Azu­re cloud ser­vices, and have atten­ded seve­ral trai­ning cour­ses, inclu­ding the Azu­re Admi­ni­stra­tor pac­ka­ge. I am able to mana­ge even complex solu­tions for you. I am fami­liar with Mic­ro­soft 365 ser­vices from lar­ge envi­ron­ments, and I can crea­te sha­re­point solu­tions and mana­ge 365 applica­tions for you.

I have a Lean IT Foun­da­tion cer­ti­fica­te for the use of Lean met­hods in IT and other orga­ni­sa­tio­nal development.

My pro­duc­ti­sed ser­vices for IT deve­lop­ment are:

  • IT audit - star­ting with a tho­rough review of the ove­rall sta­te of the com­pa­ny’s IT sys­tems, network ser­vices and IT gover­nance and iden­ti­fying the needs for key deve­lop­ment actions
  • IT ana­ly­sis - dee­pe­ning the ana­ly­sis car­ried out in the sur­vey ser­vice and crea­ting an IT and busi­ness softwa­re deve­lop­ment plan.
  • IT Pilot - Imple­men­ting the deve­lop­ment mea­su­res iden­ti­fied and agreed in the ana­ly­sis as neces­sa­ry in the organisation

Does your company need IT consulting?

I offer you the flexi­bi­li­ty to order various IT ser­vices to the extent your com­pa­ny needs. Depen­ding on your envi­ron­ment, you can even dele­ga­te all your com­pa­ny’s IT deve­lop­ment tasks to me for coor­di­na­tion. We will tai­lor a sui­table ser­vice pac­ka­ge to your com­pa­ny’s needs.

Soita 020 730 9555