Diverse ancillary services

Make use of my other experience as part of IT cooperation

The possibility of a holistic approach

In addi­tion to IT col­la­bo­ra­tion, I also offer my clients the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bene­fit from my non-core IT skills. This makes sen­se, especial­ly when other acti­vi­ties need to be deve­lo­ped in the con­text of pro­jects. This way, you don’t have to hire a sepa­ra­te per­son for the task, but can use the same per­son who alrea­dy knows your com­pa­ny and its ope­ra­tions. This results in sig­ni­ficant savings.

I have expe­rience in various met­hods of stra­te­gy deve­lop­ment, com­mu­nica­tion with cus­to­mer news­let­ters and news­let­ters, mea­su­ring cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion, crea­ting web­si­te con­tent and desc­ri­bing proces­ses and qua­li­ty systems.

Experience of different tasks

I have been invol­ved in deve­lo­ping a qua­li­ty sys­tem for a softwa­re com­pa­ny and desc­ri­bing proces­ses in both pro­duct deve­lop­ment and ser­vice ope­ra­tions. As a long-time chair­man of the board of a softwa­re com­pa­ny and as a sole proprie­tor, I am also fami­liar with stra­te­gy work and various stra­te­gy tools. In addi­tion to my own com­pa­nies, I have been invol­ved in the deve­lop­ment of nume­rous client companies.

I have done my Pro Gra­dua­te and Bac­he­lor the­sis on growth stra­te­gies and inter­na­tio­na­li­sa­tion in softwa­re com­pa­nies, which I have also been invol­ved in put­ting into practice.

I have also been invol­ved in three mer­gers and acqui­si­tions, one of which was with a foreign lis­ted com­pa­ny. I am able to bring insight to the com­pa­ny to inc­rea­se its value and mea­su­res to pre­pa­re for the sale of the company.

Alt­hough I do not have a speci­fic legal educa­tion, I can bring added value in asses­sing the steps that should be taken to bring the dif­fe­rent types of cont­racts used by the com­pa­ny towards the tar­get sta­te. The law firm will then draft the cont­racts itself, but I can assist in the process from a busi­ness perspective.

Com­mu­nica­tion has been an impor­tant part of my job desc­rip­tion, inclu­ding 15 years as edi­tor of a client magazi­ne and aut­hor of articles. I also have a long his­to­ry of pro­ducing month­ly news­let­ters, as well as pro­ducing con­tent for websites.

I am also fami­liar with cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion sur­veys and cus­to­mer needs surveys.

The­se can lead to a good discus­sion on how to take things forward for your com­pa­ny, using exter­nal experts and pro­fes­sio­nals as part of the who­le, whe­re appropriate.

Interested in one of my ancillary services?

Do you need help with stra­te­gy work, imple­men­ting com­mu­nica­tions, mea­su­ring cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion or deve­lo­ping web­si­te content?

Soita 020 730 9555