Technical consultancy

Order expert technical consultancy, for example for a needs assessment

Expertise in planning and documentation

I have been invol­ved in pro­duct deve­lop­ment since 1992 in a varie­ty of roles from pro­duct deve­lop­ment mana­ge­ment to hands-on pro­gram­ming and tes­ting. A major part has been all types of speci­fica­tion and design work, i.e. trans­la­ting cus­to­mer expres­sed needs into fea­sible designs.

Examples of design work inclu­de various softwa­re and sys­tems inte­gra­tions. The­se requi­re both func­tio­nal level design, tech­nical design and pro­ject management.

I have deca­des of expe­rience in the Delp­hi deve­lop­ment envi­ron­ment, but also in JavaSc­ript, C# (.NET, ASP.NET) and Pyt­hon, especial­ly to the point whe­re I can cont­ri­bu­te to deve­lop­ment teams by desig­ning solu­tions from a tech­nical imple­men­ta­tion point of view and tes­ting them, using my source code rea­ding skills.

I have also writ­ten user manuals for end users and mana­ged the com­mu­nica­tion of chan­ges. Good gui­dance maxi­mi­ses the bene­fits that end-users deri­ve from the out­puts of pro­duct deve­lop­ment. In my cur­rent role, I can pro­vi­de your com­pa­ny with inter­nal user manuals for your busi­ness software.

I also crea­te process desc­rip­tions, for example for qua­li­ty sys­tems. I crea­te process desc­rip­tions and process maps in lan­gua­ges such as BPMN 2.0. I use Mic­ro­soft Visio Pro­fes­sio­nal softwa­re for process mapping.

Comprehensive technical consultancy services

My tech­nical con­sul­tancy ser­vice offers you this exper­ti­se for a varie­ty of pro­jects. The­se pro­jects do not have to be pro­duct deve­lop­ment pro­jects, as the same skills are also nee­ded for sys­tem imple­men­ta­tion pro­jects and busi­ness deve­lop­ment projects.

My con­sul­tancy ser­vice can quickly help you with a varie­ty of tech­nical speci­fica­tion and design issues. I can help you with tech­nical design, user manuals, func­tio­nal and tech­nical speci­fica­tions, softwa­re and process docu­men­ta­tion, etc.

Does your company need technical consulting or process mapping?

Do you need help with tech­nical design or wri­ting qua­li­ty user manuals, for example? Or to desc­ri­be proces­ses? Let me know what kind of tech­nical con­sul­ting you need, and I’ll tell you how I can help!

Soita 020 730 9555