Project consultancy

Bring your IT project to the finish line successfully and with quality

Expert project consultancy for even the most challenging projects

IT pro­jects are noto­rious­ly chal­len­ging. They are often very complex and many things can go wrong, which can cause cost­ly delays, among other things. Pro­ject con­sul­tancy is a cost-effec­ti­ve way to ensu­re that the chal­len­ges faced by a pro­ject are mini­mi­sed. A com­pe­tent pro­ject con­sul­tant will help to ensu­re that the pro­ject is deli­ve­red exact­ly as planned.

With over 100 success­ful pro­jects under my belt, my pro­ject con­sul­ting ser­vice will help your com­pa­ny avoid pit­falls and ensu­re your pro­ject stays on time and stays wit­hin bud­get. The lar­gest pro­jects I have mana­ged have been just over 1500 man-days in sco­pe. I work equal­ly well on pro­jects of all sizes, from small pro­jects of a few days to lar­ge ones las­ting 12+ months.


Versatile help for your projects

When you hire me for pro­ject con­sul­ting, I can act as your pro­ject mana­ger’s right-hand man, for example, hel­ping to gui­de the pro­ject through in many ways as an addi­tio­nal resource. The pro­ject con­sul­tant can help in areas such as com­mu­nica­tion and the con­ti­nuo­us upda­ting of pro­ject docu­men­ta­tion, thus kee­ping the who­le pro­ject orga­ni­sa­tion and sta­ke­hol­ders infor­med of whe­re we are going and what is expec­ted of each mem­ber at any given time. In this way, eve­ry­one is awa­re of the progress of the pro­ject and the poten­tial chal­len­ges, and the pro­ject is not unneces­sa­ri­ly delayed due to a lack of com­mu­nica­tion. A care­ful­ly pre­pa­red pro­ject plan is an essen­tial part of the who­le, and in lar­ger pro­jects, risk mana­ge­ment tasks also play an impor­tant role.

If neces­sa­ry, I can also act as an expert mem­ber of the pro­ject team, repre­sen­ting the client in the pro­ject if the pro­ject mana­ger comes from the sys­tem supplier side, for example. I can also sup­port the pro­ject mana­ger in the deve­lop­ment of pro­ject mana­ge­ment processes.

The con­tent of the pro­ject con­sul­tancy may inclu­de, for example, buil­ding and main­tai­ning the fol­lowing con­tent as the pro­ject progres­ses. In brac­kets are the PRINCE2 fra­mework terms refer­red to.

  • Pro­ject brief befo­re deci­sion making (pro­ject brief)
  • Eva­lua­tion of the busi­ness case for the project
  • Pro­ject plan
  • Pro­ject sta­ge plan
  • Les­sons lear­ned for futu­re pro­jects (les­sons learned)
  • Team plan
  • Excep­tion plan
  • Pro­ject pro­duct desc­rip­tion, pro­duct description
  • Chan­ge cont­rol approach, issue register
  • Qua­li­ty mana­ge­ment approach
  • Appro­val documents
  • Risk mana­ge­ment approach documents
  • Stan­dard repor­ting during the pro­ject (check­point report, high­light report, excep­tion report)

With the addi­tio­nal resource of a con­sul­tant who is fami­liar with the process of pro­ducing the­se, and who also pro­duces the agreed docu­ments as requi­red, the pro­ject mana­ger’s time is freed up not only to deal with poten­tial fires, but abo­ve all to com­mu­nica­te, mana­ge the pro­ject team and ensu­re the pro­ject’s outco­mes in the day-to-day work.

If neces­sa­ry, I will also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cont­ri­bu­te to the pro­duc­tion of pro­ject com­mu­nica­tion. In terms of pro­ject com­mu­nica­tion, I have a long expe­rience in the pro­duc­tion and coor­di­na­tion of pro­ject-rela­ted com­mu­nica­tions, such as news­let­ters, press relea­ses, press articles and other communications.

My pro­ject mana­ge­ment softwa­re is Mic­ro­soft Pro­ject Pro­fes­sio­nal, for which I have also recei­ved training.

Does your IT project need project consulting?

Do you need help with a new pro­ject or, for example, addi­tio­nal resources for eva­lua­ting pro­po­sed pro­jects and drawing up plans? Tell me about your pro­ject and what kind of pro­ject con­sul­ting you need, and I’ll try to help!

Soita 020 730 9555