
Business coaching for IT professionals - from senior management to specialists

Working effectively to bring about change

I am a gra­dua­te of the BCI Busi­ness Coac­hing Ins­ti­tu­te as a Cer­ti­fied Busi­ness Coach. I have deci­ded to focus my coac­hing ser­vices on my core busi­ness, IT pro­fes­sio­nals. Coac­hing com­bi­nes my unders­tan­ding of the chal­len­ges my clients face, having wor­ked in IT for 30 years, with a clo­se inte­rac­tion with the client, whe­re they find their own solu­tions to achie­ve their goals through discussion.

In prac­tice, the coac­hing process typical­ly invol­ves a series of 6-8 mee­tings, which can be 2-4 weeks apart. The process starts by defi­ning the objec­ti­ves for the coac­hing. Over the cour­se of a process las­ting seve­ral months, it is typical that not only do the goals beco­me clea­rer, but also the work beco­mes more goal-orien­ted. For example, in the case of a chal­len­ging chan­ge, per­so­nal deve­lop­ment and the disco­ve­ry of new solu­tions often lead to good results in achie­ving the change.


Do you feel you have too many irons in the fire? Do you feel conflic­ted about the demands of your job, or don’t know what goals you should aim for next? Are the­re per­haps stres­sors in your job?

Regar­ding IT pro­jects and ini­tia­ti­ves, do you expe­rience chal­len­ges in dri­ving chan­ge through the orga­ni­sa­tion, com­mu­nica­ting chan­ge and hel­ping subor­di­na­tes to be moti­va­ted to change?

In all the­se situa­tions, I belie­ve coac­hing is an effec­ti­ve and efficient tool and met­hod. It can help cla­ri­fy goals, crea­te good plans to achie­ve them, cla­ri­fy conflic­ting expec­ta­tions and deve­lop self-moti­va­tion even in chal­len­ging situations.

Did coaching spark your interest?

A coac­hing assign­ment always starts with a free video chat of about one hour, whe­re the client’s situa­tion and expec­ta­tions of the coac­hing are discus­sed. At the same time, the client gets to know the coach, and it is deter­mi­ned whet­her the coac­hing assign­ment is well sui­ted to me, and whet­her the client feels that I am the right coach for a very con­fi­den­tial cooperation.

Send me your con­tact details to arran­ge this free video chat. The ini­tial discus­sion is also pos­sible at my pre­mi­ses in Kei­la­nie­mi, Espoo (Fin­land).

Coac­hing takes place eit­her via video link or at my premises.

Soita 020 730 9555