Comprehensive help for users and developers of information systems

Comprehensive help for users and developers of information systems

Whet­her you have a pro­ject or need help with your dai­ly IT use, I can help.

Help for both development and use


I am Timo Lin­tu­nen, ent­repre­neur and con­sul­tant at Lin­tu­nen Con­sul­ting. Welco­me to my web­si­te, whe­re you can find out how I can help you with your infor­ma­tion sys­tems needs.

My com­pa­ny specia­li­ses in the acqui­si­tion of infor­ma­tion sys­tems and how to use them more efficient­ly. I also have exten­si­ve expe­rience in the tech­nical deve­lop­ment work itself. In who­le Fin­land and if nee­ded, also abroad, I ser­ve SMEs with a wide ran­ge of infor­ma­tion sys­tems and busi­ness deve­lop­ment needs. My industry exper­ti­se is par­ticu­lar­ly in the retail and who­le­sa­le tra­de and in main­te­nance and repair ser­vices. I am also fami­liar with a varie­ty of specia­list com­pa­nies, having myself wor­ked as the head of IT for a specia­list com­pa­ny, first in a softwa­re com­pa­ny and then in a consultancy.

As we know, infor­ma­tion sys­tems play a key role in the ope­ra­tion of very many of today’s busi­nes­ses. I am a part­ner who ser­ves the ove­rall deve­lop­ment needs of a com­pa­ny. In addi­tion to the acqui­si­tion and deve­lop­ment of infor­ma­tion sys­tems, I help to stream­li­ne busi­ness proces­ses and imple­ment deve­lop­ment pro­jects. I have exten­si­ve know­led­ge of applica­tions com­mon­ly used by SMEs, such as Mic­ro­soft M365, its associa­ted Sha­re­point and the docu­ment mana­ge­ment softwa­re M-Files, for which I have also been the main user. More recent­ly, I have been trai­ned as a Mic­ro­soft Azu­re administrator.


Flexible access to development services

My goal is to help com­pa­nies get more out of ERP softwa­re as well as gene­ral office and sup­port softwa­re, and to make busi­ness-cri­tical sys­tems work seam­less­ly, i.e. in an inte­gra­ted way. I help my clients success­ful­ly deli­ver pro­jects using best prac­tices, inclu­ding the use of Lean met­hods to stream­li­ne proces­ses. Agi­le ope­ra­tions is also a typical goal for many com­pa­nies, and I have also been trai­ned in this area. I am a cer­ti­fied Scrum pro­duct owner, for example.

Some­ti­mes the goal can also be to sol­ve acu­te problems or to make M365 or Sha­re­Point, for example, more efficient.

The approach is flexible and cost-effec­ti­ve. I agi­le­ly do what my clients’ needs requi­re wit­hout mas­si­ve start-up costs.

My background in brief

So my name is Timo Lin­tu­nen, I am the foun­der, and an entrepreneur.

Over the years I have recei­ved trai­ning in both com­mercial and tech­nical fields, both of which I need for my work. I have a Mas­ter’s degree in Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems Science from a uni­ver­si­ty. My areas of specia­li­sa­tion are infor­ma­tion sys­tems science and orga­ni­sa­tion and mana­ge­ment. I have 24 years of expe­rience as a softwa­re entrepreneur.

I foun­ded this com­pa­ny in 2019 with the mis­sion to help com­pa­nies as an expert, wit­hout having to deve­lop softwa­re myself. I ser­ve end-users of infor­ma­tion sys­tems in a holis­tic way, with my main focus on con­sul­ting on enterpri­se softwa­re acqui­si­tion, rela­ted pro­jects and impro­ving the efficiency of softwa­re use.

You can read more about my ent­repre­neu­rial background and skills by clic­king on the but­ton below.

Clear objectives first

I stri­ve to approach my client’s infor­ma­tion sys­tem needs as a who­le, and unders­tand their busi­ness objec­ti­ves. This allows me to genui­ne­ly take into account what the busi­ness is ulti­ma­te­ly loo­king for from the solu­tion, and to help deve­lop it from a total bene­fit pers­pec­ti­ve. Infor­ma­tion tech­no­lo­gy must be seen as a tool to help imple­ment stra­te­gy. A deve­lop­ment pro­ject may be aimed, for example, at growing the busi­ness, impro­ving pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty or int­ro­ducing new met­hods. Of cour­se, the impe­tus often comes from out­si­de, such as from cus­to­mers, suppliers or other networks. Some­ti­mes, of cour­se, it can also come from the fact that the deve­lop­ment of exis­ting softwa­re has stal­led, or the life cycle is coming to an end.

Infor­ma­tion sys­tems should not be approac­hed simply as a cost item, but as an invest­ment for which it must be pos­sible to calcu­la­te pay­back periods and returns. It is impor­tant to assess how the com­pa­ny would deve­lop wit­hout the pro­ject under con­si­de­ra­tion and how a success­ful­ly imple­men­ted pro­ject or under­ta­king will affect this deve­lop­ment. Doing not­hing can some­ti­mes be a cost­ly choice.

I offer the fol­lowing ser­vice pro­ducts to meet the needs of my clients.

My ser­vice

My ser­vice

Project consultancy

Our pro­ject con­sul­ting ser­vice helps your com­pa­ny to assess which infor­ma­tion sys­tems pro­jects are worth imple­men­ting, to plan them, and to bring them to a success­ful conclusion. My expe­rience inclu­des over 100 deve­lop­ment pro­jects and nume­rous imple­men­ta­tion pro­jects. I also have expe­rience of chal­len­ging pro­jects from which I have been able to learn impor­tant les­sons. I am also cer­ti­fied in the PRINCE2 model of pro­ject mana­ge­ment. In addi­tion, I hold the Agi­le Deve­lop­ment Scrum PSPO certification.

Information management consultancy

I can pro­vi­de con­sul­tancy to your com­pa­ny’s IT staff for deve­lop­ment tasks, or if your com­pa­ny does not have IT staff, pro­vi­de other IT assis­tance. In this case, I will fami­lia­ri­se myself with your com­pa­ny’s IT sys­tems at an agreed level. I have a Lean IT cer­ti­fica­te for deve­lop­ment work.

My pro­duc­ti­sed ser­vices in this area include

  • IT-audit
  • IT-ana­ly­sis
  • IT-pilot
Some­ti­mes the IT depart­ment of the com­pa­ny is the sup­port ser­vice of the sys­tem pro­vi­der. This is often not the opti­mal solution.

Technical consultancy

Tech­nical con­sul­tancy can help you with various aspects of requi­re­ments defi­ni­tion, tech­nical design and integration.

If requi­red, I can also help you with inter­nal gui­de­li­nes and process descriptions.

Procurement consultancy

As a procu­re­ment con­sul­tant, I will help you start by exa­mi­ning your cur­rent situa­tion, defi­ning your needs and cla­ri­fying your process.

Then, toget­her, we can explo­re the options, eva­lua­te them and deter­mi­ne the best solu­tion. I will then assist you in the procu­re­ment process and in get­ting the new one up and run­ning, until the end if necessary.


I am a Cer­ti­fied Busi­ness Coach (CBC/BCI) and I specia­li­se in coac­hing, especial­ly for IT mana­gers and experts. Coac­hing is a goal-orien­ted way of wor­king, whe­re we aim to disco­ver and har­ness the full poten­tial of the coac­hee, with the aim of lea­ding chan­ge in IT pro­jects and impro­ving the per­for­mance of the IT organisation.

Ancillary services

When I help you deve­lop your busi­ness through infor­ma­tion sys­tems, I can also offer other deve­lop­ment assis­tance. Here I can draw on both my com­mercial trai­ning and my long expe­rience as an ent­repre­neur. For example, the growth of a com­pa­ny can be one of the tar­get topics. In my own expe­rience, the softwa­re com­pa­ny whe­re I was the chair­man, inc­rea­sed it’s tur­no­ver for 18 con­secu­ti­ve years. I also did my gra­dua­te work on dif­fe­rent IT growth strategies.

Subsc­ri­be to my news­let­ter here. The news­let­ter is publis­hed on ave­ra­ge eve­ry three months, and I sha­re cur­rent issues, new blog articles and tips rela­ted to my industry.

Soita 020 730 9555