
A good SME deci­sion-maker or IT manager

Can you get your business software
to its full power and potential?

It is not unusual, for example, that when int­ro­ducing ERP, you only want to imple­ment its main func­tions first. Addi­tio­nal fea­tu­res are thought to be int­ro­duced later. This “later” is not imme­dia­te­ly rea­li­sed and the ori­gi­nal objec­ti­ves are not achie­ved. The softwa­re may also evol­ve in such a way that you can­not keep up with its new possibilities.

Using busi­ness softwa­re can often be chal­len­ging and problematic

  • To mea­su­re whe­re we are right now. What problems do we have and what should be better?
  • Set tar­gets for use and how to make it more effec­ti­ve. In the long and short term.
  • Find a path to move towards rea­li­sing the full poten­tial of your software.
  • Iden­ti­fy the steps to cross and go through in order to success­ful­ly mana­ge chan­ge to get new prac­tices in place
    Iden­ti­fy whe­re the­re is room for impro­ve­ment in the exploi­ta­tion of your software
It is often easier to sett­le for what you are used to, pos­sibly from a pre­vious pro­gram­me, rat­her than the­se things. The same softwa­re is used in dif­fe­rent ways in dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies, and the dif­fe­rences are explai­ned not only by user habits and the natu­ral­ly dif­fe­rent needs of com­pa­nies, but also to a lar­ge extent by mana­ge­ment inter­ven­tion and com­mit­ment to impro­ve­ment. It was some­ti­mes said that com­pa­nies use a com­pu­te­ri­sed cash regis­ter sys­tem in the same way as a cash regis­ter, wit­hout taking advan­ta­ge of its bene­fits. The same is true today, but per­haps not in such a carica­tu­red way, but a new gene­ra­tion of softwa­re may be used like a pre­vious gene­ra­tion of softwa­re to which people have beco­me accustomed.

This free onli­ne cour­se (which also does not requi­re your con­tact details) will go through how to proceed if you are not ful­ly satis­fied with your cur­rent softwa­re or, for example, feel that other com­pa­nies using the softwa­re are using it bet­ter and more exten­si­ve­ly. The cour­se also covers com­mon pit­falls in using infor­ma­tion sys­tems, and set­ting goals, map­ping the cur­rent situa­tion and moving towards the tar­get situation.

The name of the cour­se is

Basics of using enterprise software more efficiently

About the course trainer

Timo Lin­tuse has over 25 years of expe­rience in enterpri­se softwa­re. For 18 of the­se years he was the Direc­tor of Deve­lop­ment and Chair­man of the Board of a tech­nical ERP softwa­re com­pa­ny. He also spent ten years as head of the ser­vice desk and was res­pon­sible for the func­tio­na­li­ty of cus­to­mer sup­port. In addi­tion, he pro­vi­ded user training.

In this onli­ne cour­se, he draws tips from his expe­rience in softwa­re user ser­vice. He has seen many com­mon pit­falls in over 1500 com­pa­nies, and wants to help you overco­me them on your way to ful­ly exploi­ting your systems.

The bene­fits of the cour­se for you includes

  • a holis­tic view of whe­re we are now, what our goals are and how to move sys­te­ma­tical­ly towards full use of enterpri­se softwa­re
    a vision of the various prac­tical ways in which the use of dif­fe­rent met­hods can be made more effective

  • ideas, trans­la­ted into prac­tice, on what can often be impro­ved in enterpri­se software

  • conc­re­te ways to pro­mo­te busi­ness applica­tion com­pe­tence
    insights into whe­re efficiencies can often be achieved

  • ideas on how to pro­mo­te deve­lop­ment ideas to the softwa­re supplier

The cour­se inclu­des about 100 minu­tes of videos.

Start an online course

The onli­ne cour­se is comple­te­ly free of char­ge and does not requi­re you to pro­vi­de any con­tact details.

Trai­ning videos are sha­red on You­Tu­be. You can also find the ini­tial map­ping form as an Excel file, which you can cus­to­mi­se to your liking.

See the coac­hing sec­tion in the sec­tion below.

The­re are five videos and they should be watc­hed in order.

© Lin­tu­nen Con­sul­ting 2021

Soita 020 730 9555